DICOM Document Management Hits Germany

DICOM Document Management Hits Germany

July 7th, 2006: DICOM reports success of Ascent and VirtualReScan technology in a German utility deal.

A significant deal between DICOM Group and leading German utility firm Westfalen Weser has been a major success say both companies. Westfalen supplies some 740,000 customers across Germany and deals with a quarter of a million mail documents each year. The installation of Ascent platform and VirtualReScan (VRS) technology will completely automate Westfalen’s management of digital documents and its data storage system.

Ascent and VRS were installed to speed up staff processing of the 1200 documents received on a daily basis. Rob Klatell, Chief Executive Officer, DICOM Group, says, “Through our technology, large organisations – especially those such as utilities that are paper intensive – are able to streamline their business processes, increase operational efficiencies, and heighten their level of customer satisfaction”.

Ascent Capture version 7.5 is available In Australia and New Zealand now DICOM is built towards small to medium enterprises.

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