Training to avoid unwanted email

Training to avoid unwanted email

Office staff around the country generally know what it feels like to be swamped with unwanted emails on a daily basis, yet surprisingly few employees are given any sort of guidance on how to manage their incoming mail.

An Australian company is seeking to address this problem by providing practical training on email management, promising that people who are subjected to torrents of emails every day can reduce the time wasted sorting through them by up to 60 per cent.

Email Management Solutions (EMS) provides training programs that educate the participant to automatically seek the information required and to direct incoming email.

Incorporated within the programs is productivity training, cultural change elements and best-practice email protocols, as well as guidance on how to utilise advanced techniques the email environment. These measures are designed to heighten users' awareness and result in a significant reduction in the handling and reading of email.

"Some people are bombarded with up to 100 or more emails every day," says Sharon MacNevin, marketing director at Email Management Solutions. "Email infiltrated our lives so quickly that there was little thought given to the increasing pressure to sort through it efficiently."

MacNevin also says that course participants can be shown how to quickly and accurately assess the urgency of a message.

"The solution is not just technical – the solution lies in the handling of the application. (Our training) also advises how to construct emails so they are readable and easy to manage. When constructing an email, the information should be presented in a way that enables the reader to locate the key information quickly."

More details on the range of programs offered by EMS can be found at

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