Call for Papers - IIM (ACT)Conference

Call for Papers - IIM (ACT)Conference

March 26, 2009:The Institute For Information Management (IIM) has issued a Call for Papers to be presented at the IIM ACT Branch Conference “Managing Information Today and Tomorrow” which will be held in October 2009.

The annual event provides a forum for both practitioners and solution providers to come together to develop their understanding of theory and practice in all aspects of information management.

It occurs as Government Agencies face some new hurdles such as compliance with the new Discovery rules for managing information to support the litigation process and efficiency issues identified in theGershon Review.

For more details about the conference and call for papers, please visit lIM ACT Branch Conference Call for Papers.pdf.

IIM members and other industry professionals are invited to submit a paper at this key industry event. Submit your initial registrations of interest in presenting at this conference by the 15th April 2009 by using this link to the registration form Presenter Registration Form.

IIM Secretariat:

Ph: 03 9536 3116 Fax: 03 9525 3656

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