Capture Pro takes a shine to SharePoint

Kodak has made integration with SharePoint 2007 and 2010 easier with Version 3.0 of its Capture Pro Software, which includes a SharePoint Server set-up wizard.

It allows for import of existing SharePoint Server library column definitions directly into Capture Pro, promising reduced set-up errors and enabling better data integrity.

Support for third-party content management software enables Capture Pro Software to also serve as a front-end capture platform for SharePoint Server and other digital environments.

Capture Pro Software, v3.0 also introduces Kodak’s Intelligent Quality Control (QC) capability, an image quality control and enhancement tool, which can automatically identify images with challenging noise characteristics that may need additional adjustments.

The post-scanning quality control tool makes it easy to re-process those images, even when the original source document is not available, providing more consistent results across a range of input sources.

Capture Pro 3.0 also prepares scanned images for use in business processes related to storage, organisation and preservation.

Typical scenarios include accounts receivable departments for small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs), claims processing departments in insurance companies, or back-file conversion for service bureau providers.

“We’re committed to helping our customers implement easy-to-use, accurate, and cost-effective ways to transform documents and information for immediate use into collaborative, digital environments such as SharePoint Server 2007 and 2010,” said Tony Barbeau, General Manager, Document Imaging, Kodak’s Business Solutions and Services Group.

“As more businesses, from small to medium to large, incorporate SharePoint Server for information management processes, whether as part of a larger ECM deployment or as a standalone, all are looking for convenience and straightforwardness to shorten complex information capture processes.”

Network Edition

Kodak has also announced the launch of KODAK Capture Pro Software Network Edition, for enterprise applications where where there is a need to centrally manage and monitor multiple capture and indexing stations.

The Network Edition comprises three separate product components:
·Capture Pro Server Software;
·Capture Pro Software Output Server Module; and
·Capture Pro Client Software.

Capture Pro Server Software enables centralised licensing and administration, as well as batch monitoring. The Client Software brings all the functionallity of the current Capture Pro Software to a client workstation without the need for a hardware key at the workstation.

The optional Capture Pro Software Output Server Module includes multiple deployment options, which help users to off-load batch processing to different servers and increase their overall scanning efficiency.

“The network version of Capture Pro is a robust low maintenance solution that allows configuration of jobs to be synchronised across all workstations in our operation,” said Anthony Lamb, Operations Manager, Capita Total Document Services, Darlington, England.

“Additionally, the networked version allows greater contingency in the event of any local PC failure and features such as batch reporting have proved to be of real use. Choosing Capture Pro and moving forward with Kodak as a supplier has been a feature of the continued growth and success of our business."