Laserfiche puts Photodocs on show

Laserfiche brought PhotoDocs, its new document capture system to the Financial Planning Association’s (FPA) National Conference in Melbourne on November 19-20 .

Now included as part of the Laserfiche enterprise content management (ECM) suite, PhotoDocs allows for document capture using a digital camera rather than a scanner.

The solution contains advanced image processing features that produce clean, usable optical character recognition (OCR) text from camera images. And because it is able to remove extraneous detail, correct for line curvature and deskew images, PhotoDocs is ideal for producing readable OCR text from digital photographs—particularly those of documents that are difficult to scan, such as book pages.

“With PhotoDocs, financial advisors will be able to capture client documents and other important information while at the client’s office or home, saving time and providing a higher service level,” noted Laserfiche SVP Chris Wacker.