
The first virus has been found that can infect the Windows Mobile Pocket PC platform and smart phones, sparking fear that PDAs and mobile phones are not as immune to infections as people first thought.

Quantum has released a new tape cartridge which it claims can reduce the compliance worries and traumas that threaten to cost companies millions, even billions of dollars, and carry the possibility of harsh prison sentences too.

The landmark sale of the ANA marked a revolution in the way

By taking a few simple steps, facing nightmarish security breaches may soon be a thing of the past.

Fighting information flab. Fitness First Australia had a problem. Unlike the waistlines of its regular patrons, the company's paper-based filing system was expanding almost to bursting point.

Identity-related fraud is big business. It is also an increasingly complex challenge for those whose job it is to spot the fraudster, Christine Gill investigates.

Australia is at the cutting edge of ITS but lags behind in ways that could

With hard disk storage vendors muscling into the non-mission critical

While still lagging some way below the average weekly earnings increase of 4.9 percent recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the modest increase in pay of 3.4 percent across the information and communications technology (ICT) se...

The scene was a familiar one – Microsoft representatives in court, with the presiding judge ordering a fine of several million dollars to be paid. The twist in the tail though is that it wasn't the software giant assuming its accustomed ro...
