Breaking News

Two Melbourne researchers have completed the world's first PhDs in which the research was conducted, supervised, submitted, examined, and stored on-line.

IT executives believe the implementation of digital signatures will not cause major change, but will be a positive force and increase efficiencies.

Most organisations today are poorly positioned to take advantage of the recent proliferation of rich internal corporate information sources.

Introduction to a feature on portals and the companies which are producing them.

Overview of portal suppliers and their products.

A lawyer discusses the legal and privacy implications of e-commerce.

EmU Tech has announced the release of its new Internet email screening software.

Portal is a buzzword, but that doesn't mean it should be dismissed out of hand.

The corporate portal concept has antecedents in many fields, but it most resembles the Internet craze of several years ago for push technology.

As well as the needs of the doctor, HIC 99 is taking the opportunity to explore the relationship between information management and specific groups of the healthcare profession.
