Document & Records Management

A simple question in KM is whether to have a chief knowledge officer, but the answer is more complex.

Imaging and workflow tools can be used to develop a knowledge management system.

Will records management software exist in the future world of knowledge management?

In the pursuit of knowledge - and fewer research hours - innovative law firm Phillips Fox has shown the way for future KM systems.

Phillips Fox has had some really good wins that were supported by its technology.

Interview with the founding director of the State Records Authority, who championed the legislation as a template of modernised RM practices.

Legislation introduced in New South Wales provides the scope for email and voice mail to be considered as State records, as well as computer support logs, 'Post-It' notes, and faxes.

A guide to the legal nature of email and other electronic documents

Summary of "Protection" article

Computerised litigation support is now within the reach of most law firms through the use of Windows software.
