Email & Instant Messaging

Security researchers have managed to worm their way into the inner workings of the Kraken botnet and take control of zombie PCs around the world, however, instead of shutting it down they have left it running loose due to ethical concerns.

The last week marked the 30th birthday of one of the world’s most loathed creatures: spam, and if recent revelations that bots have cracked Hotmail and Gmail’s CAPTCHA systems is anything to go by, it’s likely to live to a ripe old age.

Exchange disaster recovery got you down? Acronis has just announced its new Recovery for MS Exchange, backup and recovery software designed to rapidly restore damaged Microsoft Exchange installations.

An Aussie firm is taking up the challenge of reducing the paper-based mail glut by introducing a new electronic service aimed at cutting out reliance on physical mail such as bank statements, utility bills and invoices.

Dell has wound up its US$155 (AU$) million acquisition of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) specialist MessageOne, fulling a large part of its new strategy to use SaaS applications and remote management tools to deliver configure-to-order IT in...

The relentless arms race between security firms and spammers looks poised to swing back in favour of the cyber criminals with the news that a new spambot is cracking CAPTCHAs in as little as 60 seconds.

Oracle has grown its enterprise content management offerings with a new online archive and email archival service, both components of its Fusion Middleware.

For the lucky few organisations, the destruction of documents is already a well maintained and streamlined process, with a full understanding of the risks of removing data without proper destruction methods. The majority of Australian orga...

New laws proposed by the Federal Government could give employers the right to sift through their employee’s inboxes and otherwise monitor their computer networks in the name of preventing cyber-attacks.

When it comes to securing the inbox the biggest threats are the human ones – from a careless mistake that innocently leaks sensitive data, to revealing compromising details on social networks and dealing with employees who will believe any...
