Enterprise Applications

EMC’s Enterprise Content Division (ECD) says the latest update to InfoArchive, Version 4.0, caters for the extreme demands of archiving structured and unstructured data in the big data era.

Salience for Android is claimed to be the first native text analytics package for a mobile operating system. Developer Lexalytics says it can be used by application developers to offer mobile users sophisticated natural language processing (NLP) and analytics to any app that uses text: email, SMS and chat, reviews, comparison shopping, social media, travel, hospitality and more.

Beezy Inc., a developer of enterprise collaboration solution for SharePoint and Office 365, has announced the availability of new capabilities through integration with Microsoft's Office Graph.

The days of an employee photocopying the client list or saving it onto a USB may be dwindling.  Employees are now "connected" to your customers and key contacts on social media.  Such connections occur as a matter of ordinary course with the approval of the business.  LinkedIn and other social media platforms provide a de-facto client list at an employee’s ready disposal.

We’ve all heard about the quantity of unstructured data – over 80% of business-relevant information exists in an unstructured format (primarily text). Many companies are looking for tools to derive actionable insights and value from this rapidly growing volume of data, but perceived complexities (cost, expertise, learning curve, time) dissuade them from doing so.

A solution employing Objectif Lune PlanetPress Capture and 1,500 Anoto digital pens is allowing South African multi-brand furniture retailer Lewis Group to eliminate paperwork generated by credit applications

The number of large organizations citing risk and compliance as the largest driver for Information Management (IM) has risen hugely in the past year, from 38 percent to 59 percent, according to new AIIM research launched recently.

For decades, organizations have struggled with the need to extract business-critical data from unstructured sources to drive better decision-making. Human effort cannot match the volume of information in business today, and technology solutions have been unable to fill the gap … until now.

Objective Corporation is acquiring specialised technology for in the capture, collaboration and manipulation of large documents, complex drawings, maps and plans with the purchase of New Zealand’s Onstream Systems.

Foxit Software has announced the acquisition of Debenu, a provider of software developer and end-user solutions for the global PDF market. Debenu’s CEO, Karl De Abrew, a long-time entrepreneur and visionary in PDF technology, was also a Founder of Nitro.
