Enterprise Applications

Each year ABBYY holds numerous International Technology Summits, where we share our latest product innovations and future technology roadmaps with our partners and developers.

The 2015 ABBYY North America Technology Summit was held in California in November, where a team from ABBYY Australia was joined by local distributor ACA Pacific and channel partners to experience the latest developments in data capture and data analytics.

A new survey has found that 92 percent of US Federal IT managers say it’s urgent for their agency to modernize legacy applications, citing the largest driving factors as security issues (42 percent), time required to manage and/or maintain systems (36 percent), and inflexibility and integration issues (31 percent).

Industry super fund-owned bank ME has appointed former ANZ Head of Enterprise Information Architecture, Annie South, as ME’s GM Data − a new role responsible for extending the strategic value of data for the Bank.

Lexmark’s Invoice Capture Service (ICS) SaaS solution is now integrated with and available for the Microsoft's Dynamics NAV 2016 enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform, enabling out-of-the-box accounts payable (AP) automation capabilities. Currently serving more than 110,000 users worldwide, NAV is Microsoft's cloud-based ERP offering for the SMB market.

With the rise of NoSQL data stores and their overwhelming popularity, the traditional databases started to lose the sheen. It is every IT decision-makers question of the hour - is it really the time for NoSQL?

Many companies are working with SAP from dawn to dusk. With the right enterprise search solution, employees can have quick and easy access to all corporate-wide data lying dormant in other data sources centrally from SAP. What that has to do with the Weihenstephaner Korbinian Doppelbock beer brewed by the Bayerische Staatsbrauerei is the topic of this article.

Before the advent of powerful and more compact computers, information management in the health sector was localised and dependent on paper workflows.   As computer applications began to be developed to offset the use of paper, data repositories were created to contain patient information. They were in effect silos that had no means to communicate with each other or share information.  

Danish firm WMD Consulting has launched new module for its xSuite365 portfolio of workflow solutions for ERP systems and specifically SAP ERP

The is no better measure of the growing prominence of the Chief Data Officer role than the emergence of business conferences dedicated to discussing its impact. At the 2015 CDO Forum in Melbourne, Katrina Read, Analytics Client Architect Leader for IBM Asia Pacific presented a session entitled: Chief Data Officer - The Next Corporate Rock Star. Intrigued by the possible conjunction of spandex, extended guitar solos and data analytics, IDM asked Katrina to expand on her thesis.
