Enterprise Applications

Axiopea Consulting, a European Dynamics AX development company, has launched of Document Management Studio for Dynamics AX.

Infor has announced enhancements for Infor Document Management, in partnership with Ephesoft, to help customers work more efficiently by automatically connecting documents to core business processes within Infor enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions.

Métier, the business management and optimisation platform, has announced a new knowledge management tool that integrates with Métier’s platform for users to learn, interact and get answers quickly. This tool is offered to Métier platform users at no additional cost.

Australia’s National Archives has announced the winners of its inaugural Digital Excellence Awards, with successful Agency SharePoint rollouts leading the way.

The cognitive computing market is estimated to grow from $US2.5 billion in 2014 to $US12.5B by 2019 according to a new market research report published by MarketsandMarkets.

Australia’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection has announced it is deploying IBM's cognitive computing platform, Watson in a new initiative to boost capabilities. As part of the program, analysts within the Portfolio will use Watson to draw further insights from unstructured data sources such as news feeds and government reports.

IQX Business Solutions has announced that OneList Approvals 3.8 has achieved SAP certification as powered by the SAP NetWeaver technology platform. OneList Approvals 3.8 integrates with SAP Gateway technology to consolidate all SAP and non-SAP approval tasks into a single user-friendly list, actionable, everywhere.

Data breaches have very quickly climbed the information security agenda and that includes the data breach threat posed by employees and IT professionals.  Now a new report says the insider problem is far worse than we had previously imagined. The Verizon Data Breach investigations report claims that 14% of breaches are due to insiders and that’s not counting the further 12% of breaches that come from IT itself.

Bendigo Health in Victoria has signed up to implement a customised Digital Medical Record using the Vitro platform from Ireland’s Sláinte Healthcare.  The Digital Medical Record system will deliver images and patient information electronically and will work with other, existing, Bendigo Health systems such as the patient administration system, and will be able to generate reports.

New and advanced analytics and predictive capabilities are promised for enterprises working with the new release of its HP’s Haven Big Data Enterprise and OnDemand Platform
