Enterprise Applications

Hewlett-Packard is focusing heavily on its consumer businesses with its latest major rollout of new products.

Virus activity appeared to increase moderately in the first seven months of 2003, but the cost and impact of virus outbreaks generally remained mild, at least for business users and corporate networks.

The recent phenomenon of the camera phone has captured the public's imagination in such a dramatic fashion that the format is expected to sell more units than traditional film cameras and standard digital cameras combined by mid-2004.

The recent merger between content management provider Interwoven and content management software provider iManage is a "sobering illustration of changed times."

The largest independent internet payment company in Australia has been created with the merger of SecurePay and DirectOne Payment Solutions.

Content management systems provider FileNet has secured accreditation from the NSW Government's GSAS (Government Selected Application Systems) panel for providing records and information systems.

The long running legal battle over Linux is set to rumble on after IBM filed counterclaims against SCO concerning the open source operating system.

Predictive analytics and data mining software provider SPSS has introduced a solution that aims to help business and government organisations optimise web site usage, build customer relationships and help anticipate online customer behaviour.

New national guidelines to help organisations and forensic professionals gather evidence on electronic crime that would be admissible in court are to be introduced next week.

Take a look at your business. What are its assets? The building, a fleet of cars, the infrastructure, goods in the warehouse, no doubt some of these are true to your company. But as you read the list, did you also consider digital pictures...
