Enterprise Content Management

DocsCorp has announced a major update to cleanDocs, its metadata cleaning tool, to provide a platform for data leak prevention. cleanDocs 2.0 combines metadata cleaning and email recipient checking in a single product so users can now be confident that private information is going to the right person and that it contains no harmful metadata.

SecureCircle has launched a new security product, SecureCircle, designed to meet the challenges of securing and managing unstructured data in a "zero-trust" world. The company claims SecureCircle automatically detects and transparently protects data no matter the form it takes throughout its lifecycle.

Veritas Technologies has unveiled advances to the company's eDiscovery Platform with new data classification features designed to help compliance and investigation teams ensure regulatory compliance, avoid massive fines and mitigate reputational damage. The new technology also helps organizations to manage personal identifiable information (PII) and Subject Access Requests (SARs).

Other than sounding like a new reality television gameshow all organisations are facing a barrage of incoming and outgoing documents through many channels. One area which is coming under increasing pressure is that of complaints management. In the past, these were typically received in the mail or via telephone however now customers can use social media, apps, phone, email, paper and the list goes on. What was once a one-to-one relationship is now potentially one-to-many.

Talend has launched a new metadata management solution that brings additional transparency and accessibility to data lakes and other big data projects by providing an end-to-end view of enterprise information.

As a software company, there’s nothing better than knowing you’re solving customer problems with a new software release. When it comes to building software, it’s easy to fall into a trap of creating new features that, while nice, make little-to-no difference to the end user. At Objective, we’re in the business of helping our customers transform their worlds by giving them tools to make their business processes easier, faster, simpler, more reliable and safe.

Hyland has released a new Contract Management Point Application within the OnBase by Hyland enterprise information platform. The packaged solution delivers a flexible contract management offering to centralize access to information and automate routing, reviews and required tasks with an accelerated implementation time frame.

ABBYY has announced the release of the new version of the ABBYY Real-Time Recognition Software Development Kit (RTR SDK) with added data capture functionality on iOS and Android mobile platforms. The Real-Time Recognition technology is capable of pulling text information from on-screen objects and automatically converting it into digital data on the mobile device.

This summer, Australia’s Department of Finance started the process of developing a strategy for its new “Whole of Government Digital Records Platform” by soliciting ideas from the technology industry on how to fix what a recent report found was an inefficient and “unsustainable” system for managing records and information.

You can’t move in the outsourcing industry without hearing about Robotic Process Automation (RPA). And while it might sound like terminology cribbed from a sci-fi novel, the truth is that RPA is already here, and it is transforming the way modern businesses operate.
