Enterprise Content Management

Kapish has announced a trio of new updates in its Software Product Suite, with new versions of Kapish Easy Link, Kapish Folder Wizard and Kapish Record Remover for users of Microfocus Content Manager (CM)/Records Manager (RM).

A new tool to help corporations and government agencies combat problematic or sensitive data has been launched by AccessData Group, a provider of integrated digital forensics and e-discovery software. AD RTK (Risk Toolkit) locates potential information risks - very often, authorised data residing in unauthorised locations, such as classified information on an unclassified network - and remediates it across the enterprise.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has released further draft guidance on the notifiable data breaches (NDB) regime that comes into effect in just over three months’ time. It is also hosting a Webinar on 21 November 2017 at 12.00 pm AEDT to explain how the obligations of the scheme will work in practice.

Is your organisation keen to avoid being listed as one of the Top 10 Worst Social Media Fails of  2017? Celebrities and politicians are not the only entities on social media to conduct monstrous fails. Corporations and government agencies aren’t far behind.

Much has been written about renaming and recategorizing technologies in the enterprise content management (ECM) space, and it is true that traditional ECM solutions have developed into application suites, which offer a broadening range of content management, collaboration, and workflow automation capabilities.

Canadian-based insurance litigation firm, Hughes Amys LLP, has replaced an outdated metadata solution with BigHand Scrub following a firm-wide Microsoft Office upgrade.

TopQuadrant, a provider of standards-based data governance solutions has announced the release of TopBraid 5.4, a collection of web-based solutions for Data Governance and Vocabulary Management. TopBraid Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) 5.4 promises to deliver an integrated approach to data governance with customisable workflows, flexible governance operating framework options, enhanced visualisations, and advanced capabilities to create, manage, and view connections between technical and business metadata.

Kapish and the Citadel Group have announced a new “Support Assurance Program” to provide organisations with rapid access to support for their HPE RM/CM environments.

The University of Sydney is pursuing a multi-pronged strategy for capturing records from email systems, according to Records Manager May Robertson.

The School of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE) based in Western Australia has significantly reduced its manual enrolments administration with a solution from Konica Minolta and FileBound.
