Enterprise Content Management

PDF standards enable users to embed or include non-visible metadata within PDFs as attribute name and attribute value pairs. This feature can be used to embed referential metadata normally stored and used external to the files to help find or otherwise work with them. Here are some reasons why embedding metadata values can be a good idea:

Cloud and hybrid ECM took off in 2015, as enterprise and government organisations looked to become more agile and mobile.

Adaptive has launched Metadata Manager Release 7.1, focused on providing programmatic 'visibility with validation' for both the business ­and technical processes that use the data.

All information held and processed by an organization is subject to the risks of attack, error and natural disaster, and other vulnerabilities inherent to its use. Information security is therefore at the heart of an organization’s activities and focuses on information that is considered a valuable “asset” requiring appropriate protection, for example against the loss of availability, confidentiality and integrity.

While the number of organizations undertaking data initiatives is growing, sufficient data quality remains elusive for most, and that is affecting the ability of organizations to meet project goals or customer needs.

As per usual inspiration struck me while biking through my neighbourhood one weekend. Before you assume incorrectly I am not an avid cyclist, nor an athlete of any note. It is a form of masochistic torture I endure to avoid feeling my actual age while making myself feel way beyond my actual age.

Share ButtonIf your most valuable team member resigned tomorrow, would you know where to find the reports, project updates or files your colleague had been working on? If you’ve ever tried to retrieve a document that has been saved to someone else’s desktop, or buried in an electronic system only the owner understands, you’ll know how time consuming this can be. An effective intranet can save you time, money and administrative headaches by ensuring that your corporate information is easily retrievable and useful.

Acaveo has announced the release of version 4.0 of its File Analysis software, including revamped modules and functionality.

Taking a look at all the activity related to Big Data one should ask the question, how much of Big Data is actually useful. By applying just a little common sense we discover only a small amount.

Over my years of taxonomy consulting I’ve often been asked to codify the best practices regarding taxonomy design. A simple search online shows that this is a common question, though one where a lot of the current answers appear outdated. Taxonomy design, as well as the information systems that leverage taxonomies and the business needs that drive them have evolved over the last several years.
