Enterprise Content Management

A National Audit of the overseas operations of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has criticised DFAT’s Consular Management Information System (CMIS) and highlighted the need for improved data entry.

PremierPoint Solutions has announced two significant new features in Term Sync 2.0, a SharePoint add-on that is claimed to provide the missing link between a company’s business data and its SharePoint taxonomy. Term Sync 2.0 now has two significant new features: support for synchronisation of hierarchical term sets and improved performance in processing, resulting in faster synchronisation.

One of the more common grievances I hear when presenting SharePoint workshops for our customers is the difficulty of using SharePoint Search to quickly and reliably find content. Out of the box, SharePoint 2013 has everything you need to search content held within your environment and even externally stored content. However there are a few ways to make SharePoint Search work even better for you.

Contact centre agents experience it every day. A customer calls and doesn’t want to wait on hold so they send an email instead. Then they start a chat session to engage with an agent. Meanwhile, another agent has fielded the email and is researching an answer. Then the automated system calls the customer back and she engages with yet another agent. Unfortunately none of the agents has an up-to-date view of what’s going on with the customer, making the process expensive and prone to error.

Applications generally have a lifespan of about 10 years.  This means that sometime during your working life you will be faced with the challenge of migrating data to a new EDRMS, CMS, or other record-keeping system. It’s a common scenario when line of business systems reach end-of-life, and one that requires some  consideration before you go to tender, make a capital funding submission or do anything at all.

Organisations all over the world have been improving and adopting new information management strategies for years now. The importance of having systems in place to handle the waves of information that we deal with everyday has definitely spread and the benefits have come along as well. Even though this topic has been getting more popular over the past decade there are still many organizations that have not put a priority on implementing an Enterprise Content Management(ECM) system and have not developed an Information Management strategy.

NetDocuments, the cloud-based document and email management service, has acquired Decisiv Email from Recommind. Recommind Australia is responsible for the product development of Decisiv Email, a commercial client and server software for enterprise collaborative email management leader in the legal industry.

OpenText has acquired Informative Graphics Corporation (IGC), a leading developer of viewing, annotation, redaction and publishing commercial software. As an OpenText partner for more than a decade, IGC technologies will be further integrated into the ECM product portfolio and extended into other OpenText Suites. 

Organisations across the private and public sectors are losing up to $A17 million in productivity each year as staff waste time finding and saving information, a survey by Brisbane-based information management specialists Glentworth has revealed.

Toshiba (Australia) has announced a partnership with ELO to provide Document Management and Workflow solutions.
