Enterprise Content Management

Objective Corporation has been re-appointed as an accredited supplier to the NSW Government under the NSW ICT Software agreement (Contract 607).

Records and information managers seeking to improve the security and management of their data now have access to a new blueprint for successful information governance, a framework for organisations looking to define the roles, policies, processes and metrics required to properly manage the lifecycle of information, including creation, storage, access, and disposal. 

KWizCom, a provider of SharePoint Forms and Mobile Solution designed to expand Microsoft SharePoint,  has released a field constraints feature specifically designed for small companies with limited budget (available for SharePoint 2010/2013). 

Energistics, the upstream oil and gas open standards consortium, has published the Energy Industry Profile (EIP) Version 1.0 of ISO 19115-1. The EIP is an open, non-proprietary metadata exchange standard designed to document structured and unstructured information resources of importance to members of the energy community and to maximize metadata interoperability within the industry. Energistics' Geoportal is a Reference Implementation of a searchable catalog compliant with the EIP metadata standard. The implementation demonstrates discovery of distributed resources documented by EIP and any of three metadata standards transformable to EIP (ISO 19115, ISO 19115-2, FGDC). 

Far too often I have seen knowledge and information management projects fall short of achieving their full potential.

In organisations where the IT Department equates success for new ways of working with installing the software correctly, all the great stuff doesn't happen. Employees ignore the new capabilities and keep using current tools to get their work done in historical ways. Or they make a minimal effort to comply with the IT mandate to "use SharePoint," but do so only for the most mundane of work processes. Although the organization has at its disposal new capabilities that offer transformative possibilities, they are relegated to insignificance through lack of imagination.

Objective Corporation has announced the launch of a new solution for creating, approving and publishing business critical documents, the Objective Content Creation (ECC) Platform. 

Upwards of 1200 websites published by Australian Commonwealth Government agencies could be heading down the road of a Drupal-based shared Web platform beginning in September 2014, according to a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Government Content Management System – with the working title of GovCMS.

Lexmark International, has announced that it has made a $US182 million cash offer for Sweden-based ReadSoft, and the offer has been unanimously recommended by ReadSoft's Board of Directors.

According to a study of 314 companies spanning 10 countries, the average total cost of a data breach increased 15 percent in the last year to $US3.5 million. The Ponemon Institute annual Cost of Data Breach Study, sponsored by IBM, also found that the cost incurred for each lost or stolen record containing sensitive and confidential information increased more than nine percent to $US145.
