Enterprise Content Management

CommVault has released an update to its data management software platform, Simpana 10, providing self-service access from mobile devices and enhanced enterprise search integration.

Hewlett-Packard’s (HP) Enterprise Services division (the former EDS business acquired in 2008)  is looking to lift its profile in business process outsourcing (BPO) in Australia and New Zealand with a new offering called AutoFlow.

Australian enterprise software specialist Weblogics has launched its flagship Intralogic suite on the Amazon Cloud platform, increasing the size and reach of the market it can service.

A project to convert a large historical archive of images and drawings to digital assets is bearing fruit for Genting Malaysia, a major regional player in the leisure and hospitality business.

Kodak has announced the latest release of its Info Activate software, version 1.1, designed to help structuring and simplifying document entry and indexing within SharePoint.

The benefits and limitations of Site Mailboxes in SharePoint 2013 are outlined in a new White Paper from Scinaptic Communications, which has addressed the issue in the latest release of OnePlaceMail R6.4.

IntelliDocX has launched its DocSet.ECM solution solution for SAP and SharePoint, which promises to enhances content rich SAP business processes by intelligently optimising content utilisation for all users.  

Perceptive Software has released version 10.2 of Perceptive Search applications, its first update since the acquisition of ISYS in 2012.

Straughan Schofield has joined the Board of Directors at obsecure, an Australian cyber security software company that provides high security information transfer solutions that integrate directly with Document Management Systems and Line of Business Applications

There can be no doubt that SharePoint has increased the types of solutions available to SME’s. It provides them with a playground to create a number of solutions to address business issues such as document management, collaboration, reporting and forms etc. 
