Scanning & Capture

Making his final appearance at the World’s largest technology show is not the only thing Bill Gates is up to this week – the Microsoft Chairman has also donated US$10 million to a massive telescopic project aiming to build a three-billion ...

The negative side of social networking in business has reared its head again this week, with a new study claiming that on average, Facebook costs employers upwards of $2700 a year for each employee using the service.

The talk of so-called inevitable data disclosure laws in Australia are often viewed through American-Rimmed glasses. But there’s more than subtle differences between what’s going on across the pacific and what’s been tabled in Canberra tha...

Telstra’s eBusiness Services have fallen under the hammer to Atlanta based software and e-commerce system provider to the insurance industry, Ebix Inc.

Updating its tools to fight dirty documents, ManTech has announced version 3.0 of its Document Detective is now available, claiming this new release provides enhanced protection for classified documents for government departments.

While online productivity suites are being hailed as the next big thing by many ICT commentators, it appears that services such as Google Docs and Zoho have a long way to go to spread the word among PC users.

IBM is having a crack at making social networking more applicable to business with the release of its new Atlas for Lotus Connections.

In a clean break from tradition, Microsoft has released the first service pack for Office 2007 earlier than expected.

Inspired by its vision for the paper-less society, the NSW Department of Lands’ has awarded a massive contract to Allfiche Australia Pty Ltd to scan more than 5,250,000 ‘odd sized’ documents.

Just when you thought the online office suite market couldn’t get more crowded, another competitor has jumped in the ring with the likes of Microsoft and Google and appears to have done what both heavyweights have so far struggled to do – ...
