Scanning & Capture

Microsoft’s HD photo technology is being considered for standardisation by the Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG).

A new Vista compatible version of Binary Resource’s Universal Imaging Utility (UIU) has been launched in the UK

Intel unveiled a silicon laser modulator that is capable of encoding optical data at speeds of up to 40 billion bits per second.

A survey by PineApp of 400 organisations in the UK has found that whilst 97% have anti-spam solutions, half were unable to effectively deal with the growing problem of image based spam.

The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) has hit out at the IT talent shortage, stating talent is alive and kicking in taxi drivers and the over-50 employee market.

After several months in development, Sun has released the its Open Document Format (ODF) plug-in for Microsoft Office, enabling the ODF standard to be read and written by Microsoft’s software, plus be used as the default format.

Google’s run of acquisitions is continuing this week, with the search juggernaut picking up on-demand communications security and compliance provider Postini. Telcos and VOiP providers beware.

A new study by power management solution provider 1E has found that across the US almost 62.4 million office PCs are left on overnight and during the weekend, wasting a whopping US$1.72 (AU$2.01) billion in power and emitting almost 15 mil...

Financial aid management software developer Regent Education has announced a new web-based integrated document imaging solution that it claims provides electronic document management, single process workflow automation, and indexing for th...

Deloitte has a warning for employers seeking IT talent: We’re on the verge of a talent crisis that could soon have technology organisations running on a shortage of IT expertise.
