Scanning & Capture

10,000 kilometres away from each other, colleagues are coming together in the meeting rooms of the future. It’s not quite the medium for the average enterprise just yet, but adaptive telepresence conferencing solutions are certainly turnin...

For a company that markets itself off an extensive image library, getting access and simplicity right is essential for customer communications. Tait Electronics worked with DataBasics to learn and effectively utilise the extensive features ...

Games Workshop ran into problems with its fixed asset management system where a serious business risk can skew everything from inventory control to stock exchange results.

Crossing a number of different horizons, the Tasmanian Partnership for Advance Computing has opened up a distributed data reservoir suitable not only for weather forecasting in the ocean, but a new look at the evidence of Climate Change.

The world’s largest software company has announced the Amalga family of enterprise-class health information system solutions.

CheckFree have announced new consumer capture technology which allows financial institution customers to make deposits from their home.

Toshiba have announced what they claim is the world’s fastest circuit technology for embedded DRAM, achieving a speed of 833MHz .

Information and communication technology is shaping up to be a major player in the upcoming US elections, but can we expect the same ingenuity from our own politicians? Or are we still stuck with a parliament of technology troglodytes, str...

Just like the stars above us, Whale Sharks have a unique constellation of patterns identifying each from the next. With the power of online social collaboration, passion for the species and a mathematical formula from NASA, marine scientis...

Big Blue has partnered up with Rutgers and the Cancer Institute of New Jersey (CINJ) on a major imaging project to advance cancer research.
