
iStor Networks has introduced a new virtualisation solution that it says can simplify storage provisioning and allocation.

With climate change increasingly being seen as an issue that they businesses not only could, but should work to mitigate, IDC is exploring the economy of ecology at its inaugural Asia/Pacific Green IT event.

Virtual Iron is promising to cut power use significantly with the latest release of its server virtualisation platform, which makes use of new LivePower automatic infrastructure management.

A software suite for strategic planning and corporate performance management (CPM) is now fully under the umbrella of Technology One after the acquisition of Brisbane-based vendor, OutcomeManager.

After making large of its pledge to be carbon neutral by the end of 2008, Dell is boasting that it has met its goal well ahead of schedule.

With being green becoming increasingly important to enterprises around the world, Accenture has introduced a new ‘green technology suite’ to help businesses assess and improve their credentials when it comes to shades of emerald.

Cisco is making bold steps forward in the green IT stakes, announcing that it will be taking a multi-pronged approach to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, aiming for a 25 percent total reduction by 2012.

In honour of World Environment Day, Byteback, a free computer take-back program currently being trialled in Victoria, has announced a new collaboration with Officeworks that will see the opening of Byteback collection sites at two Victoria...

Dell is aggressively pursuing reduced power consumption in its products, announcing that it has set a new energy-efficient computing standards with a view to shave millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions off what its products are responsible f...

According to VMware, with companies using virtualisation to consolidate ten or more physical servers into a single machine, power use is being reduced by 80 to 90 percent, saving large amounts of money and tonnes of CO2 emissions.
