Wireless Email on its Way to the Masses

Wireless Email on its Way to the Masses

By Nathan Statz

July 26th, 2007: Email in the palm of your hand is becoming increasingly attractive to business users. New revelations from Gartner show its now on its way to the masses.

Information technology research and advisory company, Gartner Inc has published a report detailing the future of Wireless Email. Analyst’s predictions believe that the progressive availability of products and services will allow 350 million users access to wireless e-mail by 2010. This will mean 20 percent of all e-mail accounts will become wireless enabled, Gartner expects wireless email to reach commodity status by 2012.

The realm use of wireless email is becoming increasingly widespread in the US, UK and Canada, with Australia quickly following suit. “Over the next three years wireless e-mail will become increasingly popular with both businesses and consumers,” said Monica Basso, research vice president at Gartner.

There is an increased recognition that “individuals will find their own ways to access e-mail on personal devices with significant security implications,” said Ms Basso. Companies like Microsoft, IBM, Nokia and RIM are already taking some steps in this direction, as wireless email shapes up to be a rapidly expanding market.

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