Teams gets compliance fix with FYB Teams2CM connector

Australian solutions provide FYB has launched a new Teams2CM connector to enable Content Manager users to upload information to and from Teams, Microsoft’s cloud-based team collaboration software.

Teams is based on Office365 Groups so many organisations have little control over how it is deployed. With more than 13 million users worldwide by July 2019, Teams enables business messaging, calling, video meetings and file sharing.

Having used Microsoft Teams for over a year, in order to learn the best way to deploy and implement the solution, FYB concluded there has been no framework for governance put in place around its use. This means corporate records that should be stored in an organisation’s EDRMS are being uploaded, created, and even shared within Teams.

Failure to address this issue is exposing organisations to the same issues exposed by storing information in network drives, with data stored in silos and no governance, retention or lifecycle management.

If we move forward 10 years, this issue migrated to SharePoint, which also allowed organisations to silo information, have no retention or lifecycle management policies, and meant that information stored therein really added little to no value to the organisation.

For this reason, FYB has set about developing a connector between Microsoft Teams and the Content Manager EDRMS so that organisations can continue to take advantage of all the fantastic benefits of Teams, whilst ensuring corporate records are being captured into Content Manager.

The Teams2CM connector also provides an added benefit to organisations, as it provides an alternative interface to Content Manager, meaning some users may never need to go into Content Manager again, instead they would access relevant documents and records through the Microsoft Teams application.

The connector is available to Microsoft Teams and Content Manager users on an annual subscription.

For more information or demonstration of the product contact FYB.