Google Maps Genocide

Google Maps Genocide

April 13, 2007: Google has moved to highlight the growing humanitarian crisis in Sudan by utilising its online mapping service to pinpoint atrocities that have occurred during four years of fighting in the Darfur region.

Working in conjunction with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders, the project highlights what the Museum says, is evidence of genocide related atrocities.

Google has applied additional the information to its popular Google Earth service by creating layers on top of its already familiar maps highlighting damaged and destroyed villages, backed up with documentary photos and video evidence.

They’ve labelled the application ‘Crisis in Darfur’ and it’s just one aspect of Google’s move to provide a Global Awareness ‘folder’ highlighting information on a number of growing crisis occurring across the world. Ultimately, the project will include data on genocides that have occurred throughout history, including the Holocaust.

With the standard Google aerial image included, the new layer will be presented based on information from the Holocaust Memorial Museum including data collected from independent organisations, photographers and government reports.

The United Nations estimated over 200,000 people have died during the four conflict in the Darfur region while a further 2.5 million were displaced.

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