The Smart State Goes International

The Smart State Goes International

December 20, 2006: The Queensland Government has reiterated the work of its Smart ICT strategy for taking local solutions to the world after a significant deal was struck between a Malaysian hospital and an ICT company located in the Sunshine State.

“Taking Queensland ICT solutions to global markets is a key component of the Queensland Government’s four year $18.5 million Smart ICT: Taking it to the world strategy,” says John Mickel, the Queensland Minister for State Development.

Part of this strategy involves the International Trade Show Assistance Program funded by the State Government. Round 16 is scheduled to open on 23 January 2007 with up to $5,000 promised to assist the State’s ICT companies in promoting their products and services internationally.

This week Mickel congratulated Integrated Medical Systems (IMS) for the e-health deal with Hospital Universitit Kebansaan of Malaysia. Michel says the deal promotes the entrepreneurial spirit or Queensland as well as the ability for home-grown solutions to make waves internationally.

The deal will see IMS deliver their web-based Caring Hospital Enterprise System solution to upgrade the Hospital’s existing Clinical Information System. The system will provide a total hospital solution that will allow Malaysian doctors to place online orders, review patient medical history, examine clinical conditions, orders tests and provide medication efficiently.

“This latest international ICT deal further cements the Smart State’s reputation as a world leading developer of e-Health solutions,” says Mickel. “IMS ICT solutions will allow doctors to focus their valuable efforts on the patient, rather than administrative duties and paperwork.”

IMS says the new solution will plug in directly to the Hospital’s existing software to assist in a smooth transition for hospital staff. IMS has previously provided solutions to the hospital to meet advanced technology needs of pathology, laboratory, blood, radiology and imaging departments.

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