Manual archiving taken out of email storage for Notes
Manual archiving taken out of email storage for Notes
Jan 25, 2005: Lotus Notes emails will be archived automatically under a new system created by iLumin Software Services, which promises to offer effective message archive rules based on the age, size attachment type and folder.
AMMNotes can be used to automatically archive email to meet individual mailbox quota assignments without user action.
This means that users do not have to manually archive items in their inboxes, and they can selectively archive messages in addition to those automated by company-wide archiving policies.
Mike Gundling, the senior vice president of product management at iLumin said: "Overtaxed servers, loss of information, reduced employee productivity and exposure to corporate risk are realistic consequences of a poor or non-existent email management system.
"Assentor Mailbox Manger for Notes is one pieces of the enterprise messaging solutions for a company, providing a significantly better way to manage electronic communications - one of an organisation's most valuable business assets."
iLumin claims that the Assentor solution significantly reduces backup and restore times and lowers operating costs by migrating messages from the mail processing server and off of tapes to lower cost storage platforms.
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