Business templates available from new online service
Business templates available from new online service
docDownload, a Sydney-based company, has offered a Web based service for business documentation. Aimed at reducing the expenditure associated with hiring technical writers, docDownload's Web site will feature a comprehensive range of business forms, many of which are known to be needed by everyone in business. Encompassing the essential taxation expense documents, recruitment documents, employment contracts and basic day-to-day legal precedents, docDownload is somewhat seeking to make paperwork universal.
So far, the company's target audience is small-to-medium businesses. DocDownload has realised that such businesses do not have the time or resources to employ technical writers, accountants, or solicitors, for the purpose of creating basic business documents. In most cases, the organisation is forced to constantly design and re-design its forms, despite the fact that in all probability a similar or even identical document has been needed and designed by businesses that have gone before them.
Subscribers to the new service have the advantage of skipping the formative stages of document layout, and concentrating on the particulars. A standard document may need very little adjustment from the template provided; simply changing the names and addresses of people on the template will have the desired result. Others will need more extensive work, but according to docDownload, all the crucial questions are answered; all the business needs to do is to replace the provided answers with their own details.
The site will be updated regularly, with the goal of eventually having a template for almost every business need. Whenever a new risk control document, legal contract, or business agreement is required, a business will have the means to bypass the costly task of hiring a specialised consultant to help with the stages of creating a formal document (although a professional may still be needed to peruse the final draft.) Specialists can ultimately be used to greater effect, playing a more creative role in solving some of the bigger issues.
The Web site will also feature documents for personal use. Examples of these include an exhaustive range of resumes and Wills, with specific formats for each individual's needs. docDownload seeks to provide template resumes for every different type of job listed in local and national papers, as well as standard Wills.
Subscribers are able to submit suggestions for new templates, which are created free of charge providing that they are useful to other members. Any proposal is worked on by a team consisting of technical writers, barristers and solicitors, all of whom are experienced in producing a range of documents that have a good understanding of the Australian legal, accounting and administrative environment. Effectively, the content of docDownload's Web site is expected to adhere to international standards.
The annual subscription fee costs $365.
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