Autonomy makes a case for the iPhone @work
Autonomy makes a case for the iPhone @work
June 10, 2009:With Apple launching its latest model iPhone to an adoring public, Autonomy has chimed in to remind lawyers in particular that it can be used for work and not just play.
Autonomy claims its Interwoven iManage WorkSite document management system is the first to deliver mobile document management to the iPhone to the legal market.
That might not be the first thing on the mind of gadget-hungry lawyers eyeing off the new iPhone's slick new OS 3.0, although the new Cut, Copy and Paste capability combines with voice control to open up a host of non-leisure time possibilities.
The voice control feature in the iPhone 3G S offers hands free operation for both iPhone and iPod functions. There is also a screen reader that speaks what appears on the iPhone 3G S display, enabling visually impaired users to make calls, read email, browse web pages, play music and run applications. The new universal Zoom function magnifies the entire screen, and the White on Black feature reverses the colours on screen to provide higher contrast for people with low vision.
Autonomy believes WorkSite on the iPhone will users to effectively access and manage their emails and matter related content from anywhere.
Although businesses are being warned to brace themselves for new management and security challenges as the burgeoning use of smartphones by executives and employees opens a new gateway for sensitive corporate data to be exposed to hackers, viruses and other security breaches.
According to Protiviti IT Security Director, Mr Sean Curran, businesses are neglecting the new risks these devices pose, with many organisations failing to put in place sound security strategies to prevent data on the devices from being lost or stolen, or to protect against unauthorised users gaining accessing to the corporate networks.
“We all know how easy it is to lose a mobile phone. But when the phone you carry has 16 gigabytes of memory and is crammed with documents and emails that may include confidential business announcements or financial results, it’s a wake up call that stringent information security measures are absolutely critical,” said Mr Curran.
“Companies have long had a handle on securing information on laptops and PCs but have been slow to bring smartphones into the fold despite unique features that make them in many ways, a bigger corporate risk. Firstly, their size and portability make them far more prone to being lost. Then, there’s the fact that they are such a desirable consumer item. Staff throughout the organisation want to be able to buy and choose their ownsmartphones . The sheer variation in operating platforms compounded by the relentless availability of new models can make the task of securing and managing these devices a huge challenge.”
“Also companies should restrict smartphone access to their networks, only providing access to what is needed by the employee on the road and only for those devices that have been approved. Naturally, given the widespread use of these devices, staff training on the importance of good security practices is also essential to instill a culture of greater care.
“Smartphones have the capacity to really benefit productivity. Smart businesses will ensure they have the right policies and processes in place so that security does not become a barrier to mobility, but supports efficiencies and the broader interests of the business,” added Mr Curran.