Image Gateway for Apeos 2.0

IGA 2.0 extends the functionality of Fuji Xerox ApeosPort multifunction devices (MFD), enabling the device to become a bi-directional document portal to core business applications.

It’s capabilities range from server based cost management, scanning, faxing and a two-way access point to document management systems using a customisable, full colour, high resolution interface at theMFD touch panel.


“We designed IGA 2.0 to help customers better manage their information requirements and introduce greater efficiencies in their document intensive processes and workflows,” said Andrew Taylor, National Manager, Office Innovation Group, Fuji Xerox Australia.


“By managing information from one place, businesses stand to benefit from more sustainable document practices and efficient data workflows, cost savings and reduced paper wastage.IGA 2.0 also promotes data integrity and compliance for document storage and access.


“The solution is ideal for businesses that have document intensive processes, such as the finance, legal, education, healthcare and government sectors.”

It enables scanning and indexing documents directly from the ApeosPort MFD into a document management or electronic records system. Currently there are connectors for TRIM, DocuShare and SharePoint, with others in development.

Users are able to retrieve, preview and print directly documents stored within the EDMS/RMS directly from the MFD. Users have access to “scan to “and “retrieve from” functions with the same permissions and systems rights as if they were using their desktop PC.

There is the ability to preview and retrieve files in more than 400 file formats through the ApeosPort User Interface.

IGA2.0 uses RightFax as an embedded application providing inbound and outbound fax management and delivery.