Google Upgrades Application Security and Compliance

Google Upgrades Application Security and Compliance

By Greg McNevin

October 5, 2007: Not long after it’s acquisition, Google’s new stable of online applications are already benefiting from Postini’s email security and compliance services, with its technology being added to Google Apps Premier Edition.

Thanks to the addition of email security and compliance, along with policy management and message recovery services, Google says Premier Edition customers can now set configurable spam and virus filtering services that are customised to the nature of their business.

It says customers can also centrally create, manage and report on policies applied to groups or individuals, provide administrators with the ability to view all company email for compliance purposes and restore accidentally deleted messages for up to 90 days.

With the acquisition and rapid rollout of Positin’s technology, vice president and general manager of Google Enterprise Dave Girouard says that the company is aiming to give businesses more control over the administration and security of its online applications.

With the addition of Postini’s technology to its applications, Google says it has also added a new email routing feature that enables Google Apps to run alongside another email solution. This will allow administrators to pilot and later migrate to Google apps without switching off the existing email system. The company has also increased each user’s storage limit to 25GB from 10GB.

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