Kofax moves into the digital mailroom

Kofax has announced its first digital mailroom solution that adds analytics and visualisation dashboards to enable organisations to track, review and modify information at any point in the business process. 

Automated digital mailrooms are used in a wide variety of industries, such as banking, insurance, government, and business process outsourcing (BPO). BPOs, third-party firms whose services include the secure management of critical business functions such as invoice processing and image based document storage, use these to ingest and process incoming mail for their customers. 

Documents in paper or electronic formats are first captured, digitally classified and separated, and then data is extracted according to business rules established by the customer. The extracted information is then validated to ensure its accuracy and validity before being distributed to customer workflows and processes.

For example, an insured driver can initiate a claim process by submitting the related documents to their automobile insurance provider. These may actually be received by a BPO providing outsourced mailroom processing for the insurer. The documentation is then captured and processed.

If any of the documents or information therein is missing, Kofax Mailroom Automation automatically alerts the insured to submit the required information, which can be accomplished on paper or via fax, email, Kofax Web Capture or Kofax Mobile Capture. A line-of-business employee, such as a claims adjustor, is also alerted to the missing content to assist in resolving any discrepancies. 

These capabilities provide visibility into the status of the claims process from the moment a claim form is submitted at the Point of Origination until it is passed to a claim adjudication and payment system for final resolution. The customer and claims adjustor have increased control over the process, an increased ability to collaborate in resolving exceptions, and a clearer idea of when the claim will be resolved for better customer service.

“Automated mailrooms can deliver an ROI in less than 18 months by eliminating a significant portion of the manual labor costs associated with normal mailroom processes,” said Martyn Christian, chief marketing officer at Kofax.  

“Kofax Mailroom Automation transforms the traditional digital mailroom by combining BPM, dynamic case management, process analytics and visualsation dashboards with our proven, industry-leading capture solutions to provide organizations with the most scalable, flexible, accurate and secure mailroom capabilities.”