Information Analytics

University of Melbourne analytics spinoff  Apromore has announced a partnership with Workato, the automation platform, to ease data ingestion for end-to-end process discovery. 

Graviti, a New York based data infrastructure startup that has been in stealth mode for the past three years, has announced its first product – Graviti Data Platform - designed to eliminate one of the costliest and confounding problems faced by developers of artificial intelligence (AI) applications worldwide: working with large volumes of unstructured data.

Eighty-one percent of global fintechs cite data issues as the biggest technical challenge they face, with almost three-quarters (74%) of fintechs whose solutions are in the early adoption phase and almost all (85%) of those with an established offering or whose products have large scale adoption see it as their biggest technical challenge.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has chosen the Australian EncompaaS enterprise compliance platform to automate its regulatory and business governance obligations for electronic documents as it moves to shift 50 percent of its applications to the cloud over the next three years.

In many ways, compliance is the cost of doing business. It doesn’t generate revenue, but it is an essential part of operating effectively as a business today. Whether it’s industry specific regulations, or the standout regulation of our time – GDPR - we are all acutely aware of the damage, both reputational and financial, that non-compliance can cause.

US startup Intelus is hosting an open beta for companies seeking a no-code, no-data-science platform it says can be used to build custom artificial intelligence models quickly and at a fraction of the cost of incumbent practices.

Worldwide artificial intelligence (AI) software revenue is forecast to total $US62.5 billion in 2022, an increase of 21.3% from 2021, according to a new forecast from Gartner, Inc.

Komprise has introduced a new way to search file and object data across clouds, Komprise Deep Analytics Actions. It promises a systematic way to find specific data across hybrid cloud storage silos and move just the right subset of data to rapidly feed data pipelines.

According to new global research from Digital Intelligence company ABBYY, 6-in-10 (61%) employees say their job is made more difficult through trouble accessing data in documents and nearly a quarter (24%) lose a full day of productivity per week searching documents for information they need to serve customers.
