
There's no shortage of stories reporting the – supposedly –imminent death of tape storage. The stories always cite the drawbacks of the technology, which, granted, are not insignificant.

Airservices Australia has selected four companies to begin prototyping Australia’s first Flight Information Management System (FIMS) which will support the safe and efficient integration of emerging airspace users, including drone operators and air taxis, into Australia’s low-altitude airspace.

The adoption of Peppol eInvoicing across Australia continues at pace, with over 9,328 businesses and government agencies across Australia currently connected to the Peppol network. Yet, despite Peppol’s early success, businesses across the country remain confused about what Peppol eInvoicing is, whether it’s right for them and the best way for them to get connected.

Eighty-one percent of global fintechs cite data issues as the biggest technical challenge they face, with almost three-quarters (74%) of fintechs whose solutions are in the early adoption phase and almost all (85%) of those with an established offering or whose products have large scale adoption see it as their biggest technical challenge.

Whilst presenting at a recent event, a member of the audience asked me how Records Managers can make themselves “sexier” in an organisation. While my immediate response of “Stop wearing cardigans!” was met with laughter, it did get me thinking, “How are Records Managers perceived in most organisations? And if that perception isn’t what they’d like it to be, what can they do to change it?”
