
Kapish has welcomed the release of the Australian Government’s first official data strategy. Developed in consultation with private, research and not for profit sectors, the Australian Data Strategy was released on December 14, 2021.

Australian business could be mandated to adopt Peppol e-invoicing as soon as 2023 under a government proposal issued just before Christmas. A Consultation Paper issued by the Treasury on December 15 includes a range of legislative options for the Peppol rollout, and comments are being invited up until 25 February 2022.

With over one billion people worldwide affected by disabilities, there is good reason to make digital content more accessible. When it comes to digital PDF documents, the PDF/UA (Universal Accessibility) standard aims to deliver disabled users a first-rate digital experience.

A two-year roadmap to complete a comprehensive digital transformation at Bendigo and Adelaide Bank involves integrating a number of subsidiary banks and credit unions and replacing legacy systems.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has chosen the Australian EncompaaS enterprise compliance platform to automate its regulatory and business governance obligations for electronic documents as it moves to shift 50 percent of its applications to the cloud over the next three years.
