
What are the main reasons to be excited about the latest Version 8 Update to the FileBound document management and workflow solution? We asked Australian reseller FileBound Solutions to list the top new features and why they make a difference.

In many ways, compliance is the cost of doing business. It doesn’t generate revenue, but it is an essential part of operating effectively as a business today. Whether it’s industry specific regulations, or the standout regulation of our time – GDPR - we are all acutely aware of the damage, both reputational and financial, that non-compliance can cause.

Microsoft and Objective Corporation have signed an agreement to work together, helping government and regulated industries to balance the flexibility of digital communication and collaboration with compliant information management and robust data governance.

With lockdowns and COVID-19 outbreaks continuing for much of 2021, organisations throughout Australia have had to navigate a variety of obstacles. It’s safe to say hybrid workplaces are here to stay, creating new challenges for managing productivity and workflows. Meanwhile, companies are gearing up for ‘The Great Resignation’ whilst also struggling with attracting and retaining staff.

Worldwide artificial intelligence (AI) software revenue is forecast to total $US62.5 billion in 2022, an increase of 21.3% from 2021, according to a new forecast from Gartner, Inc.
