
The NSW Government has deployed Pega software to help simplify its building bond management process through the newly created Strata Hub. By digitising the Strata Building Bond and Inspections Scheme (SBBIS) with a new online site and mobile app, NSW Government is delivering transparency, speed, and accountability for developers, inspectors, and building owners. 

As the adoption of Peppol eInvoicing continues to accelerate across Australia and NZ, there are some organisations that remain hesitant about exchanging procurement documents via the Peppol network. 

All organizations are notorious for hoarding data. Whether it is research data, customer data, marketing data or another type of data, businesses are savvy to the power of data-driven insights and are keen to hold onto whatever data they can glean in case it could provide business value through analytics.

Electronic health records (EHRs) have been widely adopted with the hope they would save time and improve the quality of patient care. But due to fragmented interfaces and tedious data entry procedures, physicians often spend more time navigating these systems than they do interacting with patients

Because I am both a cheapskate and own some screwdrivers, I’ve repaired my share of major appliances. Not long ago, in the midst of a more-urgent-than-usual repair, I needed a part.
