
Cessnock is the first and only Council to have near realtime integration with the NSW Planning Portal via an API and according to Cessnock Council’s Business Support and Customer Relations Manager, Roslyn Ashton, “it will provide significant productivity savings for Council along with further improvements in application processing times”.

The global volume of data continues to grow strongly. Above all, unstructured data in the form of photos, audio files and videos as well as presentations and text documents will grow disproportionately - according to the market research institute IDC by an average of 62 percent annually. By 2022, this data type is expected to account for around 93 percent of the total volume.¹

Australia’s Digital Transformation Agency (DTA), established in 2016 to promote digitisation of government services, is set to undertake a digital journey of its own as part of the Commonwealth Digital Records Transformation Initiative (DRTI).

Gartner, Inc. has released a list of its top 10 data and analytics (D&A) technology trends for 2020 that can help organisations prepare for a post-pandemic reset.

The COVID-19 pandemic has fast-tracked digital transformation for many organisations, but this has presented businesses with a range of new challenges. According to AGSM @ UNSW Business School Adjunct Faculty Member, Max Theseira, the "new normal" for businesses post-coronavirus will significantly drive digital business and digital transformation going forward.
