
Dropbox reports that there are five billion PDF files in its service alone. Consider what that number would be if you included all the other file sharing and cloud storage services.There is no escaping the simple fact that PDF is everywhere and that every business needs a PDF tool. How else would you package multiple file formats into a single file for easy and secure email distribution?

The stunning successes of artificial intelligence would not have happened without the availability of massive amounts of data, whether its smart speakers in the home or personalized book recommendations. And the spread of AI into new areas of the economy, such as AI-driven marketing and self driving vehicles, has been driving the collection of ever more data. These large databases are amassing a wide variety of information, some of it sensitive and personally identifiable. All that data in one place makes such databases tempting targets, ratcheting up the risk of privacy breaches.

Anyone familiar with George Orwell’s novel 1984 will relate to the menace of Big Brother watching their every keystroke and mouse click. For a growing share of the workforce that dystopian reality arrived while most of us were hunkering down in our “bubbles”.

ABBYY has announced the launch of NeoML, an open-source library for building, training, and deploying machine learning models. Available now on GitHub, NeoML supports both deep learning and traditional machine learning algorithms.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has committed to the ABBYY Flexicapture 12 platform for data capture of Census forms at the 2021 Census, on a new and existing fleet of Kodak i5850s scanners.
