
Australian law firm, Cooper Grace Ward, has switched their document and email management from iManage to the NetDocuments cloud-based document management and collaboration platform.

We’ve been asked several times in recent weeks about the Acaveo vs Varonis comparison.  The question is best answered at a high-level since the two companies’ solutions are more adjacent, rather than competitive, to each other.

The city of Auckland is deploying video analytics to help provide a safe community and more efficient roadways for its residents. Auckland Transport, the government agency responsible for the transportation infrastructure and services, has chosen the HP IDOL information analytics platform to power an innovative big data project.

Ponemon Institute, an organization that conducts independent research on privacy, data protection and information security policy, released a report entitled “2014 Global Report on the Cost of Cyber Crime” sponsored by HP Enterprise Security. The data put forth in the report is based on 257 representative sample organizations operating in various industries and sectors of seven countries, namely, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, France, and for the first time, the Russian Federation.

Australian listed IT services company Empired has acquired IT services provider Intergen for $A17.4 million due to be paid over a three year period with $A5m paid on completion through a combination of cash and shares. 
