
Imaging distributor Alloys has extended its Australian footprint to include operations in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide. The expansion is a result of the recent Alloys acquisition of Integrex Systems, which was announced in July 2013. 

South Australia's Barossa Council brings its EDRMS platform up to date, migrating 115 users out of 150 full time staff from TRIM 5.2 to 7.3 with the assistance of Kapish. 

NZ Post subsidiary Converga has acquired of Speedscan Group Holdings to extend its reach in its core markets in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Philippines.

Top Image Systems has announced today a win at a leading textile and apparel manufacturer based in the Asian-Pacific region. 

Big Data is an overhyped buzz word used by software providers to persuade organisations that they need to add one more  ‘magic pill’ application into their already complex information environment so that they can find stuff. 
