
Initially begun as an unauthorised social media experiment at National Australia Bank in 2008, Yammer is now an active and mature network used by around one-third of the banking giant's 50,000 staff worldwide.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has selected Objective ECM 8 as the winning tender for its next generation enterprise content management (ECM) platform. 

Long term programs are underway to migrate NSW and Queensland Public Hospitals to an integrated Electronic Medical Record (eMR) based on the Millennium platform from US firm Cerner.

Enhanced collaboration through SharePoint is a major Knowledge Management (KM) initiative at aluminium giant Alcoa, helping to raise performance across the global company.

Australia's federal government departments and agencies have been set a 2015 deadline to make a transition to electronic record-keeping. But is the timetable realistic and what hope has it got of being achieved?
