
Digital records management is changing faster than alphabetized boxes or metal filing cabinets can keep up with. The definition of a “record” will continue expanding in direct proportion to the technologies we adapt. This is a good thing, as business relationships today require a certain amount of agility, but it’s also a cause of anxiety.

The role of the Health Information Manager is no easy task. Like a conductor leading an orchestra, they must lead a wide range of health information initiatives – across multiple departments – to keep their health system in tune. And with the healthcare data explosion – driven by the Electronic Medical Record, and clinical imaging – there is a huge imperative to manage increasingly diverse types of information.

Australian organisations are forecast to spend almost A$70 million on business process management suites (BPMS) in 2013, an increase of 10.4 percent over 2012, according to Gartner. Worldwide spending on BPMS is expected to reach US$2.8 billion, up 9.5 percent compared to 2012.

Index Engines, an enterprise data management and archiving company, is looking to provide a cost and time effective solution to the Big Data storage crisis with its latest release, the Catalyst Data Profiling Engine.

One of the challenges in delivering and implementing a digital asset management system is the issue of asset ingestion and building the database. In plain English this means the process of adding the files or digital assets with enough relevant and descriptive metadata to make them valuable and findable.
