
What’s a Records Manager to do when users across the organisation are uploading non-compliant scanned images to the corporate EDRMS?  In many cases this is occurring because the organisation has deployed multifunction devices (MFDs) and staff are making use of the inbuilt scan functionality.

All across Australia, state governments have either introduced or are introducing laws to prevent criminal association. These have been popularly dubbed the  Anti-Bikie laws, but they can be used to target members of any criminal organisation. But once you have the laws, how do you make them work? A police force in Long Beach California is using enterprise content management (ECM) technology from Laserfiche to successfully target the sinister Sureños, the largest gang in California with hundreds of thousands of members. 

On the final hearing day of a Queensland parliamentary inquiry into the release of Fitzgerald Inquiry documents, Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) Commissioner George Fox defended Director of Information Peter Duell, who has taken ultimate responsibility for changing the embargo date on sensitive documents.

Lawyers may be enthusiastic about the prospect of comprehensive information governance as a means to reduce litigation e-discovery risks, but a survey of small and medium business by US analyst firm 451 Research indicates that non-lawyers, senior executives, and IT staff may not be placing a high priority on these legal and regulatory needs. 

Recordkeeping practices at Queensland's Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) remain in the spotlight at the ongoing Parliamentary inquiry into the release of sensitive documents from the Fitzgerald Inquiry, the landmark 1980s investigation into into state police corruption.
