
As discoverable content continues to grow at an accelerating rate, much of it has found its way into Microsoft SharePoint. SharePoint's collaboration tools, its flexible management of documents and other data, and tight integration with Microsoft's Office suite has spurred its wide adoption in the legal industry. But SharePoint's flexibility also presents challenges, both for organisations that need to manage data contained in SharePoint sites, and for law firms tasked with executing sound electronic data discovery (EDD) methods.

Hyland Software, the US maker of enterprise content management software, has enhanced its data capture capabilities with the purchase of AnyDoc Software.

Jive Software, a leading social business platform, has announced the opening of new offices in Sydney, Melbourne; Hong Kong; and Singapore.

If you're like thousands of businesses across the globe, you are evaluating the opportunities to "go paperless." Recent mid-market surveys indicate that document management is ranked in the top five IT initiatives being undertaken.

A major government record-keeping "stuff-up" has resulted in sensitive documents from the 1980s Fitzgerald Inquiry into Queensland Police corruption being mistakenly made available to the public. These records potentially identify secret witnesses, anonymous testimony and criminal allegations.
