
Hewlett-Packard’s (HP) Enterprise Services division (the former EDS business acquired in 2008)  is looking to lift its profile in business process outsourcing (BPO) in Australia and New Zealand with a new offering called AutoFlow.

RP Solutions, Inc., a remittance processing solutions provider and OPEX Corporation, a provider of high-speed document imaging and mail centre automation equipment, have detailed a successful implementation of their integrated Mixed Mail Processing solution at Bill2Pay.

Australian enterprise software specialist Weblogics has launched its flagship Intralogic suite on the Amazon Cloud platform, increasing the size and reach of the market it can service.

Australia’s Department of Health and Ageing wants to bring its records from the pre Medicare era into the digital age, in a project that will scan over 40 million records for the period 1 July 1975 to 31 January 1984 presently held on microfiche.

There can be no doubt that SharePoint has increased the types of solutions available to SME’s. It provides them with a playground to create a number of solutions to address business issues such as document management, collaboration, reporting and forms etc. 
