
There is a new focus on the relationship between information management practice and business process management as organisations seek improved business outcomes through automation, writes Jenepher Surbey . 

Suncorp Bank Executive Manager Mortgage Services Stuart Nielsen, led the digital D-Day celebrations at the Bank’s Brisbane offices when the new all-digital workflow was implemented. To mark the occasion, all staff joined in a paper plane flying competition, helping to fill the 48 large orange bins rolled in for the great paper cleanout.

If you work in an office, chances are you have seen a frantic IT guy or gal running around trying to put out virtual fires, and you’ve wondered what all the fuss was about. In addition to the numerous, legitimate, technical glitches that can come up when operating a data centre, there are also lots of mind-numbing issues that IT admins run into when it comes to supporting users. By Jarred LeFebvre.

Following the real life example of the New Jersey town that has introduced an $85 fine for being caught texting while walking, has launched a spoof Web site to promote its new iPad app.

Transportation company Allied Pickfrords is using enterprise capture in Australia as a way to deal with an ever-growing volume of business-critical information generated both internally and externally, using a Datacap solution deployed by IBM FileNet reseller Elementum
