
Digital transformation is disrupting traditional business models and organizations must adapt to the ever-changing digital ecosystem and transform digitally to stay competitive and deliver efficient services.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued a tender for Evidence Management and Early Case Assessment (ECA) Software.

Executive performance evaluations will be increasingly linked to ability to manage cyber risk; almost one-third of nations will regulate ransomware response within the next three years; and security platform consolidation will help organizations thrive in hostile environments, according to cybersecurity predictions from Gartner, Inc.

A common challenge process automation professionals face is how to measure the results and capture the realized value of an automation program. Or, more specifically, getting the business to agree on how to measure results and what success means in order to accept and adopt the automation in day-to-day operations. 

A NSW Auditor-General's Report into the implementation of the NSW planning portal by the Department of Planning and Environment has found it may be completed by 2023, 10 years after it commenced.
