Esker's $US200K medical deal

Esker has signed a $US200,000 with a leading medical diagnostics and surgical equipment company in Australia to automate processing of sales orders into the company’s SAP system with Esker DeliveryWare.

The company also continues to use Esker DeliveryWare for delivery of outbound business documents.

Anticipating an increase in the number of incoming sales orders processed at its NSW customer service centre from approximately 84,000 to 110,000 per year, the company wanted the capability to manage this additional volume without increasing headcount.

The company recognised a need to optimise efficiency by eliminating manual processing of customer order documents, and sought to increase its visibility into the process as well as its ability to identify bottlenecks.

Other drivers included operational cost control with reduced paper use and physical storage of documents, and avoidance of order fulfillment delays.

Business objectives for the company’s automated sales order processing project include improving customer satisfaction and responsiveness, as customer service agents will spend less time entering data and will have more time to engage with customers and answer order-related questions. The company is also committed to environmental performance with zero waste and 100 percent resource efficiency.

“It is always rewarding to help an existing customer leverage its Esker solution in new ways to gain additional ROI value, especially a company with global brand recognition in health care,” said Jean-MichelBérard, CEO of Esker.

“We look forward to helping the company further strengthen its competitive advantages, enhance customer service, reduce costs and extend business process improvement through automated sales order processing.”